1.4kg milk chocolate, roughly chopped
(I used canbury's)
8 regular sized chewy, filled chocolate bars of your choice
(such as snickers and mars bars), roughly chopped
100g marshmellows
180g chocolate-coated malt honeycomb balls
(such as Maltesers- Pick n Pay now sells them - hallelujah!)
100g dried apricots, roughly chopped
100g raisons
100g cornflakes
100g chocolate vermicelli
(to decorate)
a 33 x 23 x 5-cm baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper
Put the milk chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (do not let the base of the bowl touch the water). Leave until melted and smooth, stirring occasionally.
Put the chocolte bars, marshmellows, honeycomb balls, apricots, rasins and cornflakes in a large bowl and pour in the melted chocolate. Mix with a wooden spoon until everything is well mixed and the dry ingredients are evenly dispersed.
Press the mixture into the prepared baking tray, using a tablespoon to flatten and compress it. Sprinkle the chocolate vermicelli all over the top. Leave to cool completely, then cover and refrigerate overnight.